Another import issue of behavior pertinent to obesity is a sedentary life style. Recreational inactivity like watching TV and computer games were associated with an increase of BMI in children of 9–14 years of age. In girls, less physical activity was linked to an increase of BMI [64]. A study in German preschool children revealed that the risk of overweight increased by 70%, when electronic media were consumed 2 h and more per day. The prevalence of daily consumption of electronic media (TV or electronic games) was 75% in this age class [76]. It is not easy to disentangle, whether the reduction of physical activity in obese children is cause or consequence of their adiposity. The egg might be the chicken: less activity leads to less energy expenditure, which aggravates the imbalance between energy intake and spending, finally causing obesity. On
the other hand, obese children may avoid physical activity, since it causes discomfort. In an interventional randomized study in Californian primary school children, reduction of television, videotape consumption and videogames led to significant relative decreases in body mass index (p 0.002) and triceps skinfold thickness (p 0.002). Compared to controls, children in the intervention group spent significantly less time watching television and had fewer meals in front of the television [77]. These convincing data show that little physical activity is likely to cause obesity [77, 78].
Further Suspected Risk Factors
There are some recent data suggesting an increased adiposity risk for maternal smoking during pregnancy, whereas breastfeeding appears to be protective. Whether these protective or risk factors can explain the epidemic, remains to be established.

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