Recent data have shown that children and adolescents in the United States have become more
sedentary, with significant declines in physical activity as children, especially females, become
adolescents [9]. Increased body mass index (BMI) has been correlated to increased hours spent
television viewing as well as increased time playing video games [10,11]. The American Academy
of Pediatrics recommends less than 2 hours of television time per day and 1 hour or more of
physical activity per day [12,13]. Making parents aware of these guidelines can help frame the
discussion about appropriate activity patterns. Several questions may provide an insight into the
child’s/adolescent’s and family’s physical activity patterns. How often do you (the child/adolescent/
parent/family) participate in physical activity each day or week? How much time do you spend
participating in sedentary activities such as television viewing and playing video games? Is it safe
to play outside in your neighborhood? (Safety issues can include crime rate, sidewalks, supervision,
safe parks or fields, and the amount of daylight hours.) Are there any opportunities to engage in
physical activity inside the home or apartment? (The opportunities can include lighted safe stairs,
exercise machines, a play area such as a basement or den, and audio players.) The answers to these
questions can identify barriers and opportunities to increasing physical activity.

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